Points for objection
Although we are all unhappy with the visual impact, affect on local house prices, etc; these points will not carry any weight during the planning process for the BESS sites. Our objections must be based on material factors. Below is a list of our top 6 objection points, and some information about each of them.
We have created a template letter that you can use, just add your name and address. Please feel free to add your own concerns to the letter - however by repeating the same headline objection points, then this should carry more weight when they are reviewed as a whole.
(Please do personalise the letter though, otherwise the planning authorities just treat all "copy paste" letters as one!)
1. Noise
The noise level will vary (level and type of noise e.g. whistle or a hum), depending on the configuration and set-up, as well as the time of day- e.g. if all battery sites are offloading to the gird at the same peak time.
Needs to be measured against pre-sub-station levels, not against current levels, which have already been elevated by the sub-station, the grid stability facility and the BESS already in construction.
Consideration of all sites operating together (combined noise from air conditioning units = cumulative effect)
Consideration of the noisy overhead power line issue that is still not resolved.
For the 500MW site we also understand that an extra transformer will be required at the substation = additional noise.
2. Fire
It is not possible to extinguish a lithium-ion battery fire – what is the plan for containment, both within each site, and cumulatively across all of the sites?
Particularly bearing in mind the fire at the Overhill site, and at Tilbury Essex site just recently.
Emergency response plan required for each individual site and for the area as a whole – to be approved by the Fire Service.
If an evacuation is necessary, what happens to livestock?
3. Water source for fire containment
There is not a mains water connection in Blackford.
As water will need to be stored, what size will they need for a 500MW facility to meet fire regulations?
If they dig a borehole, will this affect the private water supplies of local residents?
4. Fire water
run-off and containment
What is their plan to prevent water used going back into the local eco-system after it has been contaminated? If the water used to treat the fire gets into the local water table that is not acceptable – residents all have private water supplies, and there is a burn that runs directly into Rothienorman village.
5. Infrastructure
During construction, this will cause major disruption on single track roads. What is their traffic management plan for 100,000+ deliveries and vehicle movements and the transportation of oversize components.
Noise and light pollution during construction - restricted hours of working are needed.
Grading or terracing. What is the excavation plan? What's going to happened to the material? If it gets levelled, then how high will the berm be? If transported off site, then how many lorry movements?
Are they using concrete bases for the battery units (instead of ground anchors) - how many lorry loads of concrete will need to be delivered. And what will the effect of all the concrete on the water run-off be?
6. Rehabilitation
Where are the guarantees that the land will be returned to its original state at the end of project? It has already been demonstrated that the companies originally instigating the BESS planning applications have sold the projects on to other companies once planning has been achieved - how do we ensure that they remain accountable? We need to insist on an annual contribution that's put in ESCROW to protect it.
Impact on mental health of the community -- including setting of neighbours-against-neighbours, uncertainty of more sites yet to come, constant noise from construction for several years already, with more to come, and accumulative increasing of the background noise levels)
In addition, there is the issue of industrialisation by stealth. These projects are changing the character of the landscape - with each project claiming, that the one before has set a precedent of changing this area away from a rural setting, thereby meaning that it is 'OK' to put in another industrial site...